About Call Bubbie
- Purpose
The purpose of Call Bubbie is to support transgender people, individuals of marginalized genders, and women who navigate non-consensus realities and/or suicidality.
Rooted in the values of community mental health, disability justice, and transformative justice, we are a collective of poor and working-class individuals offering free peer services to support and uplift people like us.
- Who We Are
We are based on Cowlitz, Multnomah, and Clackamas land referred to as Multnomah County, OR.
About 75% of our team experiences nonconsensus reality. In medical terms, this might be described as "psychosis," though that term is less favored in the broader community and within the mad liberation space.
We are a team of community workers, primarily composed of peer support specialists and subject matter experts.
Our on-the-ground team includes four peers. Among them, 75% identify as queer, 75% as trans, nonbinary, or Two-Spirit (2S), 75% as disabled, and 50% as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). All members of this team use they and/or she pronouns.
Our advisory team includes four subject matter experts. Of these advisors, 75% identify as trans, nonbinary, or Two-Spirit (2S), 75% are BIPOC, 75% use neopronouns, 25% use she/her pronouns, and 100% identify as disabled.
- Background
Call Bubbie was founded in 2023 by a peer support specialist who encountered challenges in accessing affirming, community-based resources for a woman they were supporting through altered states. This woman was a profound source of inspiration, encouraging them to live boldly and never from a place of fear. The experience of supporting her left an indelible mark, leading to the creation of Call Bubbie in her honor. The organization was born from an altered state the founder experienced afterward, with the intention of ensuring that her memory remains a blessing.
- Funding
We are proudly fiscally sponsored* by AWN (Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network). At the moment, we are entirely community-funded. If you would like to support our work, you can make a one-time or monthly contribution through our donation page. Thank you for your generosity!
*Note: "Fiscally sponsored" means AWN provides us with their 501c3 status in order for us to apply for grants as well as ensure donations are tax deductible. Call Bubbie's and AWN's budgets are not related whatsoever.